Search Results for: center pivot maintenance

As the growing season unfolds, periodic drive-by center pivot checks become invaluable, especially when crops are still in the early stages.
Center pivot irrigating fields
While sprinklers are known to last many years, regular maintenance can ensure they stay working at their fullest potential.
To reduce water loss in center pivots, follow the water's journey from source to soil broken into loss points at transmission, air and ground.
To reduce water loss in center pivots, follow the water’s journey from source to soil broken into loss points at transmission, air and ground.
Center pivot winter maintenance
Now is a good time to winterize and perform preventative maintenance on center pivots.
A portrait of Laura Wilson with the words "Like and subscribe" over the top.
More than 420,000 subscribers later, Laura Wilson’s agriculture and farm-life-themed YouTube channel is a sensation.
In agricultural settings, reliable water management can mean the difference between either a profitable or catastrophic growing season.
Here are some valuable tips for both farmers and dealers to maximize the benefits of their relationship.
it-icon Fall 2023 Issue DIGITAL EDITION COVER STORY Navigating the 2023 Farm Bill Irrigation infrastructure is critical infrastructure and should be treated as such, according...
People stand around a pump system with the words "certifiably professional" overlaying the image.
We really only have to answer two basic questions, “When do I irrigate?” and “How long do I irrigate for?”
A center-pivot irrigation system stretches out over a field.
The Internet of Things is set to push the future of farming to the next level through smart agriculture techniques.