Search Results for: smart irrigation

Smart Irrigation Month is a month to celebrate achievements, encourage industry engagement and look forward.
Each July, the IA spearheads Smart Irrigation Month which highlights the social, economic and environmental benefits of efficient irrigation.
Each July, the IA spearheads Smart Irrigation Month which highlights the social, economic and environmental benefits of efficient irrigation.
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A coalition, including the Irrigation Association, urges USDA’s NRCS to simplify and maintain key irrigation practices on Climate-Smart list.
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Smart Irrigation Month, sponsored by HydroPoint, will emphasize the importance of efficient irrigation in conserving water.
Upgrading outdated irrigation systems can provide rapid returns on investment and significant savings for growers.
The practice of precision agriculture, including precision irrigation, could provide a fruitful path to fewer inputs with increased yield.
A person works on a laptop in an agriculture field.
Irrigation professionals have the opportunity to share the importance of efficient irrigation practices through Smart Irrigation Month.
Green grass being irrigated.
Jain Irrigation Inc. released a first-of-its-kind water cost monitoring platform in November. The platform is called Jain Unity.
In this Smart Irrigation Month Q&A, Prospera Technologies' Steel Maloney breaks down the company's smart irrigation involvement and future.
In this Smart Irrigation Month Q&A, Prospera Technologies' Steel Maloney breaks down the company's smart irrigation involvement and future.