

With the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act by the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday, Nov. 4, ag industry organizations are reacting to the legislation and its anticipated impact on the industry.
U.S. House of Representatives passes a historic $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
Clemson University researchers are studying how the correct amounts of water and nitrogen can be applied automatically to crops through overhead irrigation systems.
Clemson researchers work to show how intelligent water and nutrient placement can help increase profits and minimize effects of ag practices on the environment.
Field talk
Three farmers share how they work to keep their irrigation operations as efficient as possible.
TAP into irrigation efficiency
Farm management competition lets participants experiment with technology and strategies to maximize efficiency and profitability.
EQIP yourself
Taking advantage of government financial assistance programs might be easier than you think.
Success stories
Farmers reap the benefits of using government programs to modernize irrigation equipment.
Cutting down the calculations
Clemson researchers are developing new technology to make fertigation more appealing. 
Congress continues to work on efforts to move the country past the COVID pandemic with the goal of setting the United States economy on stable...
Education scholarships
The Irrigation Association’s workforce development program awards scholarships to support students pursing irrigation-related degrees.
Through OpenET, users can click on a field in the western United States and easily view and download monthly and annual ET data at no charge.
OpenET uses publicly available satellite and weather data to estimate evapotranspiration down to the field level across 17 western states.